
Compact Fluorescent Lights (CFLs)

  • See Mercury-containing devices

Float Switches


If containing mercury, bring to Gleason Rd or to a Transfer Station on a Hazardous Waste Collection Day


Fluorescent bulbs, lamps and tubes


Fluorescent bulbs (CFLs, tube bulbs) contain mercury and are banned from being thrown in the trash. Find acceptable drop-off locations here.

Accepted as Hazardous Waste on Gleason Rd or bring to a Transfer Station on Hazardous Waste Collection Day




If in good condition sell or donate

If more than 80% metal it can be taken as scrap metal at the Transfer Stations

If containing mercury (thermometer), it must be managed as a mercury containing device


Marine depth finders


If containing mercury, bring to Gleason Rd or a Transfer Station on Hazardous Waste Collection Day


Mercury-containing devices


Hazardous Waste: May not be thrown in trash or recycling. Bring to Gleason Rd Transfer Station depot or a Hazardous Waste Collection event.

Find out what products contain mercury. Mercury can be found in various devices in residential buildings. When a mercury-containing product breaks and the mercury is spilled, the exposed mercury can evaporate and become an invisible, odorless toxic vapor.


Thermometers & Thermostats

  • See Mercury-containing devices