Fluorescent Light Bulbs


Any mercury-containing bulb, regardless of the amount of mercury, cannot be discarded in the trash. Mercury-containing light bulbs manufactured after November 30, 2003 will be labeled, on the bulb itself, with "Contains Mercury" or the symbol "Hg" within a circle (Hg is the scientific symbol for mercury on the periodic table of elements). 

Do not crush mercury-added bulbs. Bulbs should be stored in ways that avoid breakage as crushing releases mercury vapors that may pose health and environmental risks. Broken bulbs are hazardous waste.

The following types of bulbs contain mercury:

  • Fluorescent, compact fluorescent, black lights
  • High intensity discharge bulbs (HID). These bulbs are commonly used in security, outdoor and warehouse lighting. HID lighting is becoming popular for indoor use in commercial settings. The following are HID bulbs: mercury vapor, metal halide, high pressure sodium
  • HID lighting is also used in vehicle headlamps. HID headlamps can be identified by their characteristic bluish-white tint when lit.
  • Ultraviolet bulbs
  • Neon bulbs

How to Recycle Mercury-Containing Light Bulbs