

Books that have resale value may be donated to a variety of local non-profit organizations that sponsor periodic sales. You may also consider donating books in good condition to your local library or school for reuse.

Hardcover and softcover books that are clean and dry may also be brought to the District Transfer Station for reuse or recycling. Please call us at (802) 775-7209 before bringing large quantities. If books are placed in our book bin, they are recycled for their paper content.  Please do not bring magazines, brochures, periodicals, flyers, or catalogs; these items should be placed directly in your blue bin for recycling. All paperback books (clean, dry, and preferably without reuse potential) are also recyclable and can be placed directly in your blue bin and picked up with the rest of your curbside recycling. Do not put hardcover books directly in with your blue-bin recycling, unless you can remove the hardcover. The hardcover is trash while the inner pages can go in with your blue bin recyclables