Yard Debris

Vermonters know about composting, and how large volumes of leaves, grass and other organic wastes can be naturally reduced in volume and recycled as rich natural fertilizer. But what if you live in a city with limited yard space?  District residents can take advantage of the yard waste composting program operated at the Gleason Road Transfer Station. The district accepts leaves and grass and separately brush and clean wood (now even full-size logs), and grinds this material into chips.

Bring yard debris and clean wood to our regional transfer station or compost it at home! Check your local transfer station for yard debris collection.


  • Leaves and lawn clippings- $145 a ton or $1 per bag
  • Brush- $145 a ton or $1 per bag
  • Clean wood- $60 in district, $75 non district and $90 no permit/ton

The leaf material will be used as bulking agent for a compost program. The brush and woody material is ground and sent to a biomass facility for the generation of electricity.

Clean wood
Clean wood

Brush piles at transfer station
Brush piles at transfer station

Chipping and grinding the yard debris
Chipping and grinding the yard debris